Sunday, March 24, 2013

{Week 20 = Half-way!}

Week 20

Half-way beauty that includes:

~ the perfect midwife, Birgit and her first visit this past week

~ a belly button that is half-way to an outie!

~ a husband/father who just gets more handsome every day that passes (may the child copy this worthy man!)

~ our second ultrasound this week

~ a busy someone that can be felt bumping his/her way inside from loving outside hands

~ given baby supplies that were just what was needed

~ painful muscles because of someone's obvious growth spurt

~ a lovely maternity clothes sale for a few things in preparation for coming "hugeness"(quote the Dutchman!)

~ provisions in every way from the Provider

Friday, March 15, 2013

{Week 19}

Week 19

Disappearing feet

Waiting for spring with an increased love for all things small

Lots of walks with a certain Dutchman in German fields and byways
All is quiet. The days slip by and the silent growth of Baby can only be felt in stretched muscles and skin.  Pleasure is found in these new curves, their shape and their Meaning. Daddy-to-be is taking to giving Baby rubs and kisses from faraway family members. 

And the midwife comes next week...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

{Week 18}

Week 18
Baby registry composing and thrifting for wee treasures has begun... 
Words of now, written for the future
A favourite flavour of the past four months for two people in this house

Milestones of the week:

quicken |ˈkwikən|:  [ intrans. spring to life; become animated - (of a woman) reach a stage in pregnancy when movements of the fetus can be felt.

~ the first 'quickening' that included a kick that was as real as real could be... truly one of the most pleasurable feelings. This felt activity is now, one of the best parts of our day. 

query |ˈkwi(ə)rē|: [ trans. put a question or questions to (someone)

~ we experienced the first of these from a stranger as to Baby F.'s due date. It gave enjoyment in and reaffirmation of this time of life.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

{New Life}

New refreshing life is all around us and with us and again, pictures can do the communicating best. After being sick, there is nothing like sunshine, fresh air and a handsome husband to brighten life and then some!

{Living Eucharisteo (thankfulness)}

~Pride and Prejudice runs with the Dutchman, because it is that time of the year again
~ having to say goodbye to most of the friends that I have made since moving to Germany as they move on in life. A goodbye means that a hello has been said.
~ classical music, 1 euro a CD... to drench Baby in song
~ the sickness and aloneness that make health and relationship so much more the beautiful
~ kitty legacies, i.e. smudges on window panes and pants covered in white hair. We have a good little friend.
~  reading aloud 'Little House in the Big Woods' to my sleepy Dutchman at night for his American education
~ insecurity, for the trust it builds
~ sunlight, because it is what it is, what it is: BEAUTY
~ anticipated lemon cakes, because they have to be what sunlight tastes like!


A blessed Saturday to you and yours.

{Week 17}

Week 17
Anticipation and the beginning of preparations
If there are any cravings, it is this goodness: green, green mango with sea salt