Tuesday, April 9, 2013

{A Wee Holiday & Update}

It is so terribly easy to just post pictures... we shan't get too cliché, but they do say an awful lot! However, they can only communicate so much...

The Frinsels, (including Pippin-cat) just enjoyed a trip back to the homeland, to family and friends and a bit of sunshine. It was a lovely, lovely time. To be back among familiar faces, in the same little vacation house that we stayed in two years ago with Peter's parents as an engaged couple... who would've thought we would be back, married and pregnant? It is a place full of beautiful memories, shaded by pines, filled with birds' songs and loaded with Dutch goodness, thanks to Ma Frinsel. Hours of games, long walks in the woods, talks over breakfast foods, visits to extended family, afternoon naps, and a birthday celebration for the best Dutchman that ever lived, filled our agenda. We needed the break...

My Dutchman is still working with his beautifully provided job and he is doing excellently well as I have his bosses' words for it! But did I say bosses plural? He is in a difficult situation within the company as they move his position to another country and move him to another job within the company so he has four bosses at the moment from three different nationalities. Going away to the flat lands for a bit was a respite and a blessing! Aside from work, he is also busy learning about pregnant women (one in particular!) and babies and is a complete natural already. And those Dutch feet are itching to get out on some green grass to play out-door soccer again... soon!

I am finishing up my second semester of midwifery. It is thing of beauty and joy forever to learn from my courses and apply my new-found knowledge to my own pregnancy (well, Medical Terminology wasn't that helpful personally...). I have a smaller semester coming up in May as I begin to prepare for Baby's arrival. My English-teaching job contract with the local school never came to fruition as there weren't enough people signed up... but we are going to try again come the fall semester! This will also give me more time to focus on school work, creativity, and my own language studies. Aside from that, there is so much to think about and so much to do before the end of summer... I have to keep from thinking that sunlight would help with motivation as this German winter drags on. May I state that this is the greyest one since 1951 for this lovely land? However! We shall all enjoy the warmth so much the better because of our present deprivation and despite my skepticism (that could also be called cynicism!), the forecast sees warmer weather ahead for this weekend... And they all rejoiced!

Road-tripping with Pippin-cat

Elburg-town on an April evening

Many walks in the Dutch air (because it is different than all others!)

Time with friends

Celebrating a family member... Dutch style

Resurrection Sunday with family:

Baby fingers

Golden curls

An afternoon outing in the woods

and an Opa with his meisje

Becoming reacquainted with an old friend...

Contented kitty

A visit to Oma and Opa: beautiful 92 year old hands

Back in the house of happy memories

And finally, back to Deutschland...

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