Tuesday, June 25, 2013

{Week 33: Of Courses & Showers}

Week 33
 Week 33 was all about preparation. It held the „Geburtsvorbereitungskurs” (birth preparation course) as well as a baby shower held by sweet women from our church among other plans and life choices. Such busy-ness is prone to sap energy and makes for a tired father and mother-to-be. Baby Frinsel however, is completely unaffected and continues in a happy, stretching, kicking state!

The best part of this whole week (weariness aside) with all its many arrangements and plans, was the great realization that our Little is coming soon. This whole weekend was a celebration of a new little life whose birth day is not so very far away...


Two nights of the course were spent Mums only as we spared the men the nitty-gritty. They joined in for the last two day sessions, midwife Birgit leading the way (might I add, with superb dramatizations of a woman in labor!). Breathing techniques were learned and chosen, birthing positions practiced, procedures taught, questions asked... Despite our foreign American/Dutch-ness, there was a sense of community in the little group of six couples founded in our common bond: bellies and babies! Focusing on German birthing terminology for six hours can be hefty, but vocabulary was gleaned for future studies and connection-building and the Dutchman and I both picked up necessary terms that we will be using during the labor and delivery. Now, with this course under our belts, the material list in our hands and the final planning meeting tomorrow, we are... well almost... prepared to meet Baby dear.

{Baby Shower}

The kind ladies of our church honoured Baby and I this past Sunday with a woodland-themed shower. It was such a lovely time and it was marvellous to unexpectedly have this feminine, North American expectation of mine fulfilled! After we got home and admired the gifts, the handsome Father-to-be declared himself ready for Baby's arrival: right now.

Just six weeks or so more, impatient, dearest husband, sir.


  1. What a sweet shower! And with a woodland theme... They've got you figured out, Sarah! I hope I get to meet these wonderful ladies when I'm there.

  2. Just got caught up with the last few months of your life :) Glad the pregnancy is going SO well. We look forward to hearing/reading of the new arrival. Love, Liz & crew
