Thursday, May 30, 2013

{Eucharisteo: III}

Eucharisteo from a Sick-Room

This week has witnessed a departure from health for this family. Ravaged by a hard strain of the common cold, our living room has been my world. Restless nights, classes missed, coughing fits, husband away on business, and now, an eye-infection... there is no time like the present to be thankful for: 


 sunlight to soak up ~ freckles on kitty ears ~ Dutch liquorice to sooth throat tickles ~ a husband to welcome home ~ free movies ~ tea, glorious steaming stuff that it is


an eye infection that appears to be bacterial, not viral (and the difference is sweetly great, as I can attest from last summer's horrors!) ~ prayers answered 

 the ability to rest ~ kind landlords ~ hot baths and added milky, lavender, jojoba goodness ~ a healthy baby who dances to mandolin and fiddle duets 

 access to clean water, water, water ~ friendly basket meals that cheer a heart and tummy ~ loofah sponges and their scrubbiness ~ family voices ~ a bettered appreciation of health and good sleep...

and lastly, an ode to Pippin-cat who is an ever faithful companion, snuggler and bug catcher, despite his hunger pains at 5.30 a.m. and his propensity to steal the warm spots on the bed.

Am I blessed, or what? 

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