Tuesday, May 7, 2013

{Week 26}

Week 26
The weeks just slip by... they like to do that, you know. Everything has been quiet, except for the child within who has really discovered the joys of a schedule. Kicks being around 6 in the morning, accelerating around 9 - 10 am (in German class), only to begin again in the mid-afternoon with some stretches in the early evening and our day usually concludes with a late party at 11 pm. 

We are entering into the third trimester, which is hard to comprehend. Cuddling a baby from church this past Sunday however, helped me begin to grasp the near-reality of motherhood. (Thank you, Baby Richard!) And our desire to see this little wonder of us entwined just grows stronger and stronger...

At a local "cut-your-own-tulips" field this past week

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